century kicthen
Century Kicthen is an introspective interrogation of our relationship with nature, unpacking our connections with natural resources and design. We want to work with seasons, moon cycles, woods, fields and wetlands; with people and non-human species to make biodiverse and productive landscapes where arable crops are interwoven with trees to steward a community woodland for the next 100 years.
We advocate for change through the exploration of an activist practice that uses creativity to design, think and build differently. We take an active role as designers, custodians, hosts and cultivators of the lands that we have already, irrevocably transformed.Begining with an on-site visit, we work collaboratively to gather knowledge and identify local opportunities, challenges and aspirations mapped to produce a curated Atlas. We forage through diverse territories to learn from other practices and experiment through hands-on thinking design how to become custodians of a community woodland. We work across scales to generate prototypes, strategies and propositions to foster the legacy of an agro-forestal land.
The territory surrounding Pilgrims Farm, provides a unique opportunity to investigate how design can foster the stewardship of a community woodland in the next 100 years. Here, the Studio seeks to re-engage with the making of life through cultivation, agroforestry, permaculture and conservation. Whilst year 2 develops Visitor Centres which offer a new public programme for Pilgrims Farm, exploring off-grid design solutions, self-sustenance and food systems; Departing from the current proposed masterplan, Year 3 devices a critical neighbourhood strategy defining a new multi-layered vision for the future of the land.
“Piligrims Farm,Great Warley, Brentwood, in Essex, is a 100 hectare site where HigwayEngland is proposing to create a multi-purpose woodland as an inspiring place for people to visit and explore, a thriving wildlife habitat and a source of sustainable timber. Forestry England shared vision is to “deliver a legacy of inspirational multi-purpose forest creation projects that will enhance and integrate the Lower Thames Crossing landscape for the environment and wellbeing.”
Exploring systems of local food production
Central Saint Martins, BA Architecture, London, UK
Spatial Practices, Central Saint Martins, Vertical Studio 3 cohort
Forest School, Lethaby Gallery, MA Architecture - Spatial Practices, Central Saint Martins