Interdine is an action-research project that responds to the current refugee crisis, intervening at a local scale. As a social platform for integration through food and hosting, Interdine proposes different scales of action based on a continuous program. The proposal is used to claim space for Interdine and provide the city a centre for social engagement.
Although there are many facets to what is defined as ‘Refugee Crisis’, the focus of Interdine is integration. Interdine finds its roots in the intersection of two concepts ´interaction’ and ‘dining’ to create a meeting across borders around a dinner table. Bringing together diverse actors involved in the issue of displacement and forced migration, Interdine developed in a series of open discursive dinners occupying key civic spaces in the city. During each interdine event, the table becomes a stage for conflict and resolution, creating new and richer knowledge productive both for the displaced communities, for the local citizens as well as for the government.
The role of the architect is to enable boundaries to be crossed, letting the unfamiliar to become familiar. While designing the settings of the encounter, the architect becomes a host who aims to remove boundaries to participation and nurtures agency in others. In order to create an intimate atmosphere, each event is celebrated in the presence of food. Interdine merges the meal setting and artefacts with new surroundings, each time creating a new topography for its participants to experience. Starting in a home kitchen slowly it evolved into a scalable design strategy for the city.
“If food lies at the basis of human survival, the way in which food is consumed and shared creates the basis for culture and rituals. The domestic and intimate dimension of dining rituals are used to enable understanding between strangers from across borders.”
Gaia Crocella
Exploring the politics of soil through food
Architectural Association, Bedford Square, London, UK
Språkkafeet, Umeå Stadsbibliotek, Sorcha Stott-Strzala, Nour and many friends
Bildmuseet, Sorcha Stott-Strzala
Språkkafeet, Vän i Umeå, Bildmuseet, Umeå Stadsbibliotek, Norrlandsopera, Sorcha Stott-Strzala, UMA, and many friends